
Orlando Bloom Net Worth

#Quote1[on Johnny Depp] -- Johnny is Johnny. It's a whole different level. Johnny Depp was a big draw. I've always admired him. To be on the set with somebody like him and see how he handles himself and see how he goes about it, it's a real privilege. To learn as you go. When the real captain of the Interceptor disappeared, and Johnny took control of the ship, it had a really strange effect on me. I looked up and saw Johnny in control of the ship with his pirate costume, and his gold teeth. It felt like we were really pirates for a couple minutes!2[on Johnny Depp] -- Johnny's always telling me, "Don't go for the money. Follow your heart, Orlando!" He's a role model for me. He has integrity and makes choices that are brave and unusual. He doesn't have hissy fits; he conducts himself with grace and humility.3[on his wife and son] Attraction doesn't stop when a child is born. It's the opposite. Being a mum and dad makes you even sexier. It's the most challenging part of my life. And I feel blessed. Flynn totally turned my world upside down. Everything I considered important suddenly faded from the spotlight. Now my favorite pastime is to take a bath with my son.4It's harder on some days than on others. It's (difficult) if ten cars with cameras are following you. My first priority is trying to protect my family.5I see my career as a marathon. I don't see it as a sprint. Hopefully, I'll be around for a long time, to see my son grow up and have the opportunity to keep working on films.6I always feel like a pirate.7[on Pirates of the Carribean] It's the best gig in the world, are you kidding me?8If life isn't about humanity, then tell me what it's about, because I'd love to know.9When I'm not working, I prefer to sit and do nothing. The simple things suddenly become more enjoyable.10Fame and celebrity were not something that I contemplated because they were too far ahead to imagine.11I know how lucky I am. I've no complaints about the work.12I'd like to grow old gracefully or pain free at least.13I did send a girl a plane ticket, asking her for a visit, I guess that's quite romantic.14Theatre is something that I feel very important for an actor to keep doing. I think it keeps you sharp. But at the moment I'm intrigued with movies and filmmaking. It hasn't lured me away from theatre, but I'm just going to try to ride this wave and then jump onto another and see how far it takes me.15I'm quite sensitive to women. I saw how my sister got treated by boyfriends. I read this thing that said when you are in a relationship with a woman, imagine how you would feel if you were her father. That's been my approach, for the most part.16The thing with Ridley [Scott] is he's been doing this forever, he knows what it is he wants and how to get it. There's absolutely no messing around on set. Having said that, he's very accessible to actors, very open to what you want to do and willing to talk about it. He casts people who he feels are going to bring something to the role and allows them to take care of the situation, to do what it is that they do.17It was like a drama school of its own, being on set. Peter [Jackson] is a genius. Ian McKellen is the greatest theatre actor in Britain. He's somebody I look at and say, "That's what I would like to do." I had studied videos of his performances, so it was bizarre to be thrown into an environment with him.18The girls have got a bit excited. I spoke to my agent and she says she's wading through the fan mail. We've got bags of it. I'm like, "Okay, well, what do we do with that, then?" And she explains that we're sending them pictures and stuff, which is great.19On being in love in general: I'm in love with love. It's heavenly when you're falling for someone and you can't stop thinking about her.20Aged nine, I had this girlfriend, and we used to have running races in the park to see who would be her boyfriend for the day. I wanted to be like Superman and fly in and rescue her. Once I realised Superman was an actor, I thought, "That's for me.".21Elf Envy...they all had it.22It's a bit strange to be included in those sexiest people polls and all that sort of thing. I don't really even know who I'm up against!23For a young actor like me to have the opportunity to work with the genre of actors and directors on The Lord of the Rings is unbelievable. There was no, should I should I not. It was like, where do I sign up! It was just bonkers. It was like here, have a life.24You have to be quite serious about tattoos [because] they're there forever.25We have these digs at each other. Viggo will go on about Elves and how they're always doing their nails and brushing their long, blonde hair, and being all prissy. And I just say: Well, at least I'm going to live forever! Got that? LIVE FOREVER!26On his 2002 Empire Award: I think my mum will have [my award] in pride of place somewhere beside my grandmother on the mantelpiece.27Vig used to call me "elf boy", and I'd call him "filthy human". As an Elf, I never got a scratch on me, never got dirty. And Vig would come out with blood and sweat all over him. And he'd say to me, "Oh, go manicure your nails.".28I broke my back. I fell out of a window... some friends had a roof terrace on the landing before their apartment, and I fell off the drain pipe. It gave way, actually, and I fell three floors. I was told I might not walk again. So, for about four days, I was contemplating that as a serious part of reality. Then they operated, and I walked out of the hospital in about twelve days.29On how he got the part in Black Hawk Down (2001): My character breaks his back, and I had mentioned I had done that when I was up for the part. Who knows why one actor gets a job and another doesn't? I think it was just good timing that I happened to be there and I had had the experience - I mean, I was lucky.30I'm rather accident-prone, I have to admit. I've broken my back, my ribs, my nose, both my legs, my arm, my wrist, a finger and a toe and cracked my skull three times.31It's all very surreal. I've had two very fantastic experiences. In The Lord of the Rings and in Black Hawk Down. I feel very lucky. I'm sort of doubly excited.32On his character Legolas and the way Legolas moves: Legolas doesn't speak a lot - he prefers to let his actions speak for him. Legolas' moves are smooth and elegant, like a cat. You know how cats can jump and land steadily on their paws? That's what I'm trying to do. There's a strength in that, but it's very balletic. It's also bloody hard to do without falling over!


Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-06-16